12/13火 カピル・ラジ氏講演会




日時 12月13日(火) 17:15〜
場所 東京大学駒場キャンパス 14号館3階308室
http://www.c.u-tokyo.ac.jp/info/about/visitors/maps-directions/campus_map_2015.07.pdf をご参照ください。)

講演者:Kapil Raj教授(フランス高等社会科学院)
タイトル:Bringing the world into the history of science: Circulation and the construction of knowledge



Bringing the world into the history of science: Circulation and the construction of knowledge

The history of the sciences on a global scale is often told in terms of the contribution of individual civilisations, in particular Mesopotamia, Greece, ancient Egypt, China, India and the Islamic world as precursors to modern science, which is commonly acknowledged as being European in its origins. Encounters between the knowledge systems of these regions, and others, such as Africa or Polynesia, is often recounted in terms of occasional debates between travellersand indigenous grandees who expressed their curiosity about each other. Based on examples from four centuries of encounter and interaction between European and Indian knowledge practices, this talk will demonstrate how the circulation of skilled practitioners from both cultures, far from being a mere conversation between the protagonists, has been the site for the production of significant parts of modern science. It will argue for a generalisation of this model of circulation and interaction.

Kapil Raj teaches at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris, where he is a Research Professor attached to the Alexandre Koyré Centre for the history of science. He has published extensively on the construction of scientific knowledge through intercultural encounter, in particular between Europeans and South Asians from the 17th to the 20th centuries and on the role of intermediaries who made these encounters possible. Among his publications are The Brokered World: Go-Betweens and Global Intelligence, which he edited with Simon Schaffer and other historians of science (2009), and Histoire des sciences et des savoirs: Modernité et globalisation, 1760-1914 (2015) with Otto Sibum. His Relocating Modern Science: Circulation and the Construction of Knowledge in South Asia and Europe, 1650-1900 (2007) has recently been published in Japanese by the University of Nagoya Press.


http://www.mfjtokyo.or.jp/mfjtokyo2/ja/events/details/743--.html をご参照ください。)

